Tuesday, July 31, 2007
today i handed in my official letter of dropping art to ms suhana , wonder wad will she sae tml , well prelims are coming , dunno if i'm prepared or not , haizzzz........ dunno will i passed? mi is tht type of everything also cannot type of person , well changed my blog song to the new one , juz wonder wad is gonna happen to my future? Finally the sun is rising up again , after so many days of rain , is it a cold autumn this yr or winter has arrived early?shunned - rejected , unaccepted. 2. deserted
Monday, July 30, 2007
a catchy Mv of jipaban (one million) - 黄一飞 Time flies. Its gonna be prelim nx week monday , wonder if i can do well for english this time? Soon , N lvl begins , after N lvl can play liao wah..... But now .... sob.....:'( , no one understands mi , i'm damn bloody stress up in my studies & my art!!! N lvl & prelim coursework!!!! knn. My brain gonna explode!!! U may tink or see to it tht i'm cheerful & always enjoy singing , but in my mind / head , i'm actually feel with mourn & not cheerfulness! I juz act cheerful to carry on with my life & to pass exams. wad i hv in my mind is actually nth but STRESS!!!!! STRESSS!!! STRESSSSSS!!!! + depression! sob.... sob....:'(
redundant - excessive ; too much / unecessary
Sunday, July 29, 2007
It has been raining for days , everywhere is wet , wet ,wet. It also causes alot of inconvienience to us & the road users. Congestions are everywhere. Hope tht it will stop raining , if not landslides will be everywhere! Landslide did happened last december at the Bt Batok MRT tunnel. Well , how i hope the sun will rise again but too hot also no gd i hate hot whether , but keep raining also no gd mah.
Friday, July 27, 2007
wow..... time flies...... prelims are coming in a weeks time , wonder if i can make it? I hope to get B3 for english , maths (P1 45/60 , P2 25/40), haizzzz........ why so fast? now i'm damn bloody worried , i wonder how is prelm like? coz i noe my oral sure bedevilled one , my score damn bloody high for paper 1 , p1 is ok , but wad's worst is paper 2 cloze passage still can la , but comprehension dunno can or not. sigh~well now i'm totally lost , if cant make it , sure 100% go ite , my parents want mi to at least hv o lvl certificate or n lvl cert.
Today , 12 ppl absent , include jiawei & yaoming , lol , i felt quite lonely & sat with hanafi , well i'm glad to hear from hanafi tht yaoming has improved in english , well wateva it is , all the best , u will do it if u believe it. Remember , success comes after effort. Strive to win!
Post some vocabs here , to make my blog a learning blog:
blantantly - openly ( aboveboard , frankly , honestly , straight)
irated - angry , nasty , mad , irritated ( annoyed , fumed , worked up , incensed)
deteriorate - decay , corrode (corrupt , crumble , injure , languish)
languish - decline , collapsed , die out. (eg. dinosaurs hv languished)
Look through my past entries for more vocabularies!!!! :) Once again , all the best for prelims + n lvl
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Lin Jun Jie singing 张学友's 祝福 in 天才 go! go! go! aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh................ my chinese is getting from bad to worst!!!!! today , in the reading passage abt late nite & taxis , there is 1 word : 屈 it is qu! BUT i forgot & pronouced as chu! nb. the conversation is quite apparent , probably i can pass.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Today is the start of the n lvl oral my all my frens. Mine will be tml alone the 2nd one , i'm getting fidgety & daunted , juz wondering how is the conversation question like & whether will it be hard or not , i scared later cant get a2 for chinese although i've no problem in chinese , but my chinese is dropping!!!knn. Well hope tht i'll do well in my prelims as i hope for this: English 3 , maths 3 , chinese 1 for mi to go sec 5 nx year.Today during remedial , mrs liang give mi maths test & i got 36/60 coz i forgot the formula for area of trapezium & the angle question nv see properly , like tht lose 5 marks liao , if not i would hv gotten 41/60. After getting 36/60 = 60% B4 , i feel captivated & dejected ; captivated mainly coz i passed it & got B4 , dejected as in , no doubt i passed , but :'( , i havent reach my target of B3 for maths! Hope tht i can get it in prelim , i've been doing alot of my maths tht my sci & chinese dropped :'(.
Fidgety - nervous
daunted - worried
captivated - delighted
dejecied - :(
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
well , i think i should put at the top " hated buses" to put the buses which i hated the most lol .i've wrote a complaint email abt ytd's case to SMRT , realli hope that this will be the one very last time tht this happened. Like wad happened in 1993 , a man who was frustrated abt SBS services & tink tht it sucks alot went to SBS Ang Mo Kio Depot ( Where the former SBST HQ is) , now its at Braddell together with Comfort cab & buses , and created arson , causing 6 buses to be badly brunt & 1 of them , SBS9013E was still new , < a year old , had to be scrapped :'( sob. The man was then arrested , so if this type of commuters being trapped by the doors cont'd , soon there gonna be arson at SMRT Woodlands Depot , at tht time i shall invite my bros (frens) to see this gd show.
wad i did ytd is actually nth big deal as : 对朋友/家人 , 不能见死不救。means , do not see death & dun help , (especially to ur frens & families)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Wad a day , can sae tht i saved the day today! this morning , i took 187 TIB845L ( Perm: WLDEP 902) from jiawei hse there to sch , when reach sch , the door open den dunno why suddenly close ( dunno leak air or stupid driver press the door closing) den i was alighting with jiawei i was abit slow , so door close i nv kana kiap , but jiawei kana kiap , his 1 leg outside another leg inside , dunno why the door still can close till so hermetic , the articulated ones usually when kana ppl will open back one , den the lady nx to mi trying to save jiawei & kept on pressing the bell as she was pressing i looked for the door valve button i tot i on top on the rite (Merz hv them on the rite) but its in the left , i acted rapidly & press the dooor valve & it opened , i was relieved after jiawei was free , he kana kiap i was damn worried , scared tht later the bus move , if the bus move he sure go hospital one. lucky iuts only 10 sec nth happen if not i'll definitely be damn bloody mournful & worried. If its the bumpy old 1993 UD , he sure got bone fracture coz the door closing is siding & ferocious. sigh~ wad a day. hope tht he is ok now. Btw if the door valve turn faulty if the driver heck car , it will be the 2nd case of accident while alightinhg from bus , this happened 2-3 yrs ago when a lady was alighting from the 190 den she kana kiap den died in hosp. If this happens to him today i'll cry non stop until he recovers , i wont stay calm one coz i cant afford to see my frens / buddies got injured until like need to go hospitalised for days & neither can i afford to lose anyone of them.1 more thing , i've make up my mind nt to drop art anymore coz deadline extended to 10 aug , hmmm....... got plenty of time! :D
Thursday, July 19, 2007
sob.... i've juz finished listening to a mournful tawanese song called: 不愿放开你的手 (not willing to let go). This song is so sorrowful tht the singer sing until his tears started running down his face. Even after i listen to it , my tears even started to roll down , dun tok abt singing it. This songs tells a story of someone reminiscened his past when his beloved is still around , not tht he's gone , he tried to thank him & tells tht he is now alone , like a small little boat in the big sea travelling alone.Well i wept after listening to this song as last year when i was in 3.4 , i branched away from my frenz like jiawei yaoming who has been with mi for 2 yrs & i'm not willing to let go my hands away from them.
Now , as i listened to this song , i sobbed as to thank them for the time we've been together , we brought each other together , faced our winter without fear , take our challenges day by day , encourage ourselves tht we must work hard & strive. Now tht (sometimes) , i'm alone , i'm juz like a small little boat in the big sea alone , tink of the times where they had a hardlife , this let my tears rolling down my face , i felt pain in my heart. thought of our happy days , happy moments , nv be apart , thought of the advises u made to mi , how am i gonna retuen this gratitude?
THe above is wad i thought of when listening to this song , quite sad arr , actually i tot of posting the lyrics here , but i dun want , later i scared they see only start crying :'( anyway i'm gonna sing this song when i got a chance to go to k box with them. (they / them = u noe who u are , my best buddies)
Will i get B4 or at least pass my maths this time???
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Well , our n lvl prelim is coming in less than 3 wks time, wonder if i can pass my maths or not? Hope to get at least B3 for my maths this time , wonder if i can make it? As for English , i've reading articles recently from stomp or even newspapers , wonder will i get at least B3 for English or remain as top in class for english? As for Science , i'm aiming for at least B4. Shouldn't be a problem to mi as i tink my science is quite good last time , now shouldn't have a problem , but how am i gonna plan myself? Maths & science are my favourite subjects. As for chinese , i wonder will i stay in the band of A2 or A1 or even distinction?Aiya..... i'm now very stress up , now practicing singing ankar vol.1 dunno spell correctly or not , the hokkien version :爱的小路。
Now i got a Epson CX3500 All in one printer , but havent get the catridge (original one) so cannot use yet. sigh~ no $$$ to buy la. Colour one is $13 each , 3 colours , magenta , cyan & yellow. Black one is $21. haizzz........
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
sigh~ prelim is starting in less than 2 weeks time , realli cannot play liao.... diao , i'm getting peeved abt this , so wad i'm going to do in the next coming wks is to make use of art lessonbs to revise my work. hope tht suhana wont kao bae. she realli damn lau lan aft she got married , knn.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
is not tht i want , but i've no choice!!! if i wasnt being forced , i would hv changed or continued!!! I will be dropping art tml , realli cant take it liao , i'm juz wasting too much time on art , on something which i've no interest & cant stay focus at. Its not tht i wanna drop art , but i've got no choice! If i wasn't being forced to take art last year , i would not hv this plan to drop it!
haizzzz...... less than 1 more mth to our n lvl prelim , wtf , realli cant play too much liao , diao.... , this time dunno will my english still be b4 or not or even higher??? or will i get at least c6 for maths??? hope so tht my english will get a least b4 & a pass for my maths , science , maybe c5? chinese can a1 but hope for a*.
Friday, July 13, 2007
综艺大哥大 - 张宇 & 张菲 Cantonese Comedy. Version 1
综艺大哥大 - 张宇 & 张菲 Cantonese Comedy. Version 2
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Phil Chang vs Ella - 最后一夜
张宇 vs hebe - 为你受冷风吹
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/287497/1/.htmlWah.... i juz cant imagine there a SBST bus drivers whom was intoxicated , i thought only taxi drivers are mostly arrested for drink driving , nx time when we take bus , smell & make sure the driver is not in toxicated for our own safety. yay...... new taxis are on our way to roads! These are the MPVs taxis: Honda Airwave , Honda Stream & Toyota Corolla Fielder Wagon , these taxis are fueeled by CNG Compressed Natural Gas instead of Diesel to have a greener & cleaner air , at the same time to reduce pollution and reduce the chance of global warming.
Some vocabularies here:
foray - 1.a quick raid 2. a quck / sudden attack (eg. he had a foray of heart attack)
imcumbent - A person who holds an offence. 2. Imposed as an obligation or duty.
tenacity - the quality or property of being tenacious
tenacious - 1. holding fast , firm. 2. high retentive 3. pertinacious, persistent, stubborn, or obstinate 4. adhesive / sticky. 5. holding together ,.
pertinacious - 1. holding tenaciously to a purpose. 2. stubborn or obstinate 3. extreme persistent
sagacity - acuteness of mental discernment & soundess of judgement. 2. The quality of farsighted / wise.
discernment - 1. the faculty of discerning; discrimination; acuteness of judgment and understanding. 2.the act or an instance of discerning
farsighted - wise , seeing to a great distance.
venture - to take risk Bye 934G , it was redeployed as spare bus of HGDEP & out of service 161 , hope tht it will serve 105 1 day! Well , i'm totally lost , dunno wad to do , shld i drop art or dun drop? Btw i'm already precarious at art , i tink i would hv do better in my other subjects aft dropping art , ah , nvm see how it goes on till the end of july. For art , i need to stay back for long hours & to do something which i'm not intereted in & i cant stay focused , well i got so many things to do & now it is a gone coz i got to spent plenty of time on art , sigh~ everyone here tell mi not to drop art , but wad to do? I got no choice liao , i cant juz possibly be focusing too much in my art!!! wad shld i do now? i'm realli lost! Like wad i said , no one understands mi well
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Well , i wonder if i should drop art at the end of this mth or not coz juz now mr guay saw mi & jiawei's personal message & he sae we better dun drop craft & tech as it is easy to score nx year , to wad i tink , easy to score dun mean easy to pass , den he continue saying "ask jiawei to wake up his fucking idea!!!! wa , mr guay also will use vulgarities arr. ... i'm realli in a blank mind now , dunno shld drop art or wad , but i scared after i drop nx year i cannot make it.I shall post some vocab here:
peeved - annoyed
oblivious - unmindful , unconscious , unaware : forgetful (adj)
instigating - to cause , provoke or to urge
nonchalant - unconcerned
congregate - to come together , assemble ; especially in large numbers
proclaim - to annouce or declare
disgruntled - discontented , dissatified (unsatisfied)
pudgy - short , fat or thick
commuters - passengers
Monday, July 09, 2007
I'm giving up on my art , actually i hv this plan since febuary this year , i hate art because 1. i can stay focused & often hv no interest in it no matter where i do it. 2. the n lvl standard of art is too hard for mi to catch up so as o lvl art. i'm not going to persevere anymore , i'm giving up. sigh~. i dun mind & i dun need art to pass , i need only English + chinese + either sci or maths. i'm realli precautious in art!!!!This is wad i saw from the straits times , stomp website: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/viewPost3930.aspx# a mitsubishi lancer , drifting in a multi-storey carpark , i see the way it drift i could be an auto one as its firm. enjoy!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
This is my refurbished blog!!! Actually also nv refurbish much , juz change skin only , but can say refurbish also. lol. remember to tag mi!
hahahaha...... this is wad i see from stomp , aft seeing it i cant stop laughing!!! http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/viewPost3743.aspx. I wonder how he done it! Well after reading stomp articles , i've learnt some new words:traumatised - 1. shocked , 2. to injure , by force or themal or chemical.
secrete - 1. discharge , release , generate ; 2. hide
appalled - consternation or dismay (feared) , shocked / disgusted
precariously - 1. uncertain; unstable; insecure ; 2. having insufficient, little, or no foundation.
bizarre - weird
Well i will post more new words here so tht i'll always take note & make good use of it.
Well , how i wish to hv a gd assumption in maths , although my maths is a little improving , but i hope tht i'll atl east get a B3 for maths. Wonder will i get it??
Friday, July 06, 2007
today is my n lvl english oral , i dunno if i can make it or not coz the picture discussion the examiner prompted mi questions like wad do u tink happen nx , all this & the convo he asked , tell us abt the time where u learnt new things , isaid when i was in pri 4 aft applying for volleyball.......... den dunno wad to sae liao. sigh~ i tink i'm gonna go straight to ite liao unless i can write damn gd compo. :( but i hope i can. my mind is in blank now , dunno wad to do , i'm juz worrying abt my results , i guess i juz got to do better in paper 1 & 2 & i guess i got to admit tht i'm only gd at el / mt paper 1 &amp; 2 & not oral. sob.... den when i was in the bus on my way home , all the ideas for the oral came to my mind!! where wad i suppose to speak all come to my mind , maybe i was too excited or anxious thts why. haiya.... now whether i pass anot it all depends on the god.,....Today is the day where my exclusive favourite bus of 333 , SBS1718H's de-registration date , i shall post a pic here to remember the loyal service it served , too bad i didnt got a last ride to it.

This is the few mths when 1718H was under HGDEP (Hougang Depot). I remembered taking it when it served 101 on my last trip to visit my grandparents in my uncle's se at Hougang.
It was den handed back to SLBP to serve its original service 333 in Dec 06 if i'm not wrong.
http://www.sbs3758d.fotopic.net/p42765249.html[/url] <- 1718H in its final days on its last served permanent service 333 till 4 july 2007. Farewell 1718H. Hope tht it is exported , at least i may get a chance to ride it overseas. Bye. hope to see u again!!! :'(
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Sob...~ My fav bus , SBS1718h of service 333 will be de-registered on 9 July 2007 , this friday i better go for a last ride of this bus before it is de-registered. :'(. Took this bus before last year when it served 101 when i visit my grandparents at hougang , after tht , it was handed back to SLBP & back on 333 , i remembered 390A took over it for the few mths when 1718H was at HGDEP serving hougang depot controlled services , hope tht i'll be able to get its last ride on 333 this friday. Thanks for the 19 yrs of loyal service to SBST & the commuters , u will nv be forgotten!juz now when i come home , my mum told mi tht when she brought my bro to kiddy palace lot 1 , there was something tht the price tag put $7.90 tht my mum tot tht its cheap so she wanna buy it , den when she go to the cashier & made payment , she realized tht is cost $8.90 INSTEAD!!!!!== , she asked the cashier y issit so , but the cashier dunno , den another cashier sae this is the new price aft 7 % gst. nabae , kiddy palace so dishonest??? ==no intergrity!!!! its already 4 days aft gst increase & they shld hv change to the new price tag as wad shown in their system like wad popular did!
Monday, July 02, 2007
eeeeeeek...... this is wad i seen in the straits time website!!!!! http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/viewPost3769.aspx#==. SMRT buses so dirty , Chair dusty + sticky floor , commuters also one kind eat in bus == , so inconsiderate , oncei remembered taking 67 back home from cck int , the bus inside is filled with small cockreoaches!!!
haha.. ytd was my first time going to Fort siloso beach , in fact first time gonig to sentosa , so sad i reach there at about 1.15pm coz morning went to pray my ah ma , my dad den drive mi from sin ming (near bishan) to HarbourFront & the journey from Sin ming to harbourfront is only 20 mins , lol, den at wtc terminal , i went to the sentosa booth to buy entry pass , then take bus into sentosa , wah!! the Isuzu sentosa bus nice & new man!! from wt (woodlands transport) , a subsidiary of SMRT. So comfy! Then reach Sentosa Beach station took blue line into Siloso beach as i dunno where to take tram , reach the beach play play play , go beach and play in sea , throwing sands , yuda build a 'sand hse using sand but i tink it looks like a tombstone!lol , i left at 6pm & LEFT MY T-SHIRT BEHIND == nabae. den when take tram back to beach stn , thought of taking Sentosa LRT but it end at vivo so i lazy so take bus back to harbourfront. wad a nice day.hope tht i'd have a chance to celebrate my birthday in sentosa!!! but i dun tink it may happen. coz of n lvl. :'(. unless can make it on the sat or sun before my birthday.