Wednesday, May 30, 2007
juz 4 more days to say Happy birthday to both jiawei & my bro. haha
Saturday, May 26, 2007
School holidays started , now i shall miss my gang as i'll only be seeing them for a few days in a whole month , monday is parent teacher meeting , i wonder wad will pearly sae abt mi? Den still got 1 more briefing on KL trip , wtf my mp3 is like damn lag lor , tot of getting a new one haizz.... my life is not always cheerful , is only that i act happy & cheerful only.
Thought of adding some pics
Well these are the times where we're together

We shall always be a part not apart , 我们会是永远的朋友 , 从此难分难离 ,就算是下辈子 , 我们永远都会在一起 , 在天在地。
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Walau , today i spent 6 periods still cannot draw the newly launched Honda legend , wtf. Tml must finish my 5 pcs of nlvl coursework so that i'll hv tme for my own revision & to slp as i'll try my best to win that Leslie in maths + science and to remain the same position as i'm for english , top in class & to get back my A1 for chinese. Then i plan to ponteng on Thursday & Friday. so tml will be my day with my gang before brealing off for a mth sch holiday and we shall miss one another. sob~ sob :'(.
Ah~ really had a silent ending to my mid year exam , well when i went to youtube juz now , i found a meaningful chinese song called 舞台 (stage) its lyrics is like this: 我的歌声 你的掌声 相互共鸣 在我的心灵 充满感激 你给我的信心 一起追寻欢欣.忘掉那舞台人生 不要感慨 不怕艰辛 谁都要成功成名 成功失败都看你自己.I'm now practicing it , this song is abt friendship , success & effort. My singing , your applauds , joined together , in my heart . filled with thanks & the confidence which u have given mi and find happiness together. * Forget abt the drama life , dun feel sad , dun feel down , all of us wants to be successful & famous , succeed or fail , it all depends on u. Quite touching.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Wad a shocking day! My mid year results are out , :( , quite disappointing , i put in so much effort in science & maths & yet i cant pass , wad the hell is this , chinese also dropped from A1 -> B4 , science & maths fail , art also likely to fail. :'(. But luckily my english improved yey!! Finally my hardwork didn't go to a waste , i got the top in English Paper 1 composition & Zaid also. Hope that i can get this results in N lvl or even better , like B3 or A2 , chinese still A1. If not i can die liao~ diao~ Before i end , i got an annoucement to make , with effect from the next semester , school will starts at 7.20am as per normal on Wednesdays as well , this change takes place because on a wednesday , it reached beyond the target of 126 studends who were late & a survey was carried out & the students said that when school starts at 8.20 , they are rushing together with the working adults and the buses & trains were damn packed thats why. this will only take place when school reopens after the june holidays.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
I'm so worried. dunno will i pass maths? Or english. Dun tell mi i still cant make it for maths paper 1 & english , i've already put in alot of effort until i'm so weary , but after all , 我都已经用心良苦了 ,if can pass den ok lor if not it is really 用心良苦却成空. if really thats it , i wouldnt noe how to decribe the pain.:(
Friday, May 18, 2007
wow!! exams are finally over , but getting damn sian!! nth to do. fuck sia my dad's van gearbox spoil knn , den now cannot go for repair , although i like his temp. van which his manager lend him , but i missed his van. Get well soon! PA1767U! 4 more years to go before i miss u.
Friday, May 11, 2007
sniff... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.......chooooo.... wtf i 'm sick got a serious flu , cold , fever + block nose & sore throat. Cannot study , dunno can pass english & maths or not.. sigh~... always like that , exam coming den fall sick , nbcb....... thx for those who care abt mi & sent mi get well messages. i appreciate u al alot , u all are my true & best /close fren.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
FUCK LA!!! JUZ NOW I GO & PICK MY BRO UP FROM MY DAD's van , i realized that my dad's bumper kana tilted & right side damaged FUCK THAT BLACK BLOODY SUBARU SFU4953S NABAE!!! How dare the driver collide with my dad? PUNDEK
today is the first day of exam , walau wonder if can pass english paper 1 or not i dun tink can coz my speech i write like shit。 compo also. haizz...
today is the first day of exam , walau wonder if can pass english paper 1 or not i dun tink can coz my speech i write like shit。 compo also. haizz...
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Time passes by fast , tml is the starting of our exam , wishing all my schoolmates all the best in their exam , 靠自己才会赢 ,
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Haizz.. the day aft tml will be exam , :( i failed my english , wonder if i'd be able to pass it again? I'm already weary at my studies liao. hope that i'll pass. well wad a day today , pearly nominated mi & zaid as the most courtiest student award , well thats gd but den today a load of my things have to be brought back , wah... hard to carry ley. Luckily , i asked henry if he can lend mi he locker & he did , i was so happy that i put some of the bulky ones in his locker , wad a fren indeed! So i'd like to thank henry for it. 9 years of frienship wasnt wasted , after all my yj sq are still my closest frens too! so i'll treat the both of them like my bros. lolStudy hard for ur exams & all the best.
Signing off. bye
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Less than 1 week to exam , really got to study damn hard , sigh since exams are coming , there is a lyrics which i'd like to deliver to my frenz , when u lose out for a short while , u may give up , when u encounter problems , u cant blame anyone including urself , if u are disappointed & not willing to dash forward , happines will not arrive to ur side. humans' life is juz like the sea waves , which doesn't mind high or low tide , success , failure , we must still continue to work hard. fate is standardised , success comes from effort , success comes after effort. To succeed , it depends on urself 一时失意难免气馁 , 受到挫折又能怪谁? 如果失去希望 , 不在向前闯 , 幸福不会到你身旁. 人生就像大海的波浪 , 起和落何必在意? 成功 , 失败 , 都要努力做才行 , 命运是注定 , 成功靠努力 , 一切要靠自己.( 靠自己才会赢)